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> Anglo American - Quellaveco (Perú)
Scrubber systems for the Molybdenum Plant, H2S capture
Scrubber system for the Molybdenite Dryer

> Antofagasta Minerals - Centinela (Chile)
Scrubber system for the Molybdenum Plant, H2S capture
Scrubber system for the NaSH preparation

> Anglo American – Los Bronces (Chile)
Maintenance of the scrubber systems, Molybdenum Plants 1&2

> Marcobre - Mina Justa (Perú)
Promotor Preparation Plant (Na2S, NaSH)

> MMG Las Bambas (Perú)
Scrubbers Interconnection, Moybdenum Plant

> FQML Cobre Panamá (Panamá)
Scrubber systems for the Molybdenum Plant. H2S capture
Scrubber system for the Molybdenite Dryer

> Lumina Copper - Caserones (Chile)
Scrubber system design for the Molybdenum Plant, H2S capture

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